Volunteer Opportunities


Elangomats participate in the ordeal again with new ordeal candidates. In english elangomat means friend, which is what an elangomat is to the candidates. You help guide them through the workday, and in doing so you take the same challenges as them such as the oath of silence and eating only scant food, as well as sleeping out under the stars. There is a required training on Friday night you need to attend.

If you participate as an elangomat 3 times and attend elangomat training, you will be eligible for the elangomat coup.

If you have any questions, please email Sean Alvarez at elangomatchair@tamegonit.org


Nimats help guide brotherhood candidates through the induction guiding them to seal their membership in the order of the arrow. In english nimat means brother, which is what a nimat is to the candidates. You guide them through the brotherhood hike on the way to ceremony. There is a required training on Friday night you need to attend.

If you participate as an nimat 4 times and attend nimat training, you will be eligible for the nimat coup.

If you have any questions, please email Kurt Johnson at nimatchair@tamegonit.org


Runners help transport materials and people around the reservation during the induction. Runners also assist the logistics chair in setting up and taking down ceremony sites.

If you participate as an runner 6 times and attend runner training, you will be eligible for the runner coup.

If you have any questions, please email Owen Markwart at runnerchair@tamegonit.org


The EPSS staff is our emergency preparedness staff throughout the weekend, consisting of current and future doctors, nurses, and first responders. They are responsible for all health related issues that arrise with any participant during out events.

If you have any questions, please email Cole Dock at epsschair@tamegonit.org


Ceremonialists perform the ceremonial aspect of the induction weekend, these ceremonies include: Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, Brotherhood, Vigil, Eagle Court of Honors, and Callout Ceremonies.

If a ceremonialist performs in six ceremonies over three induction weekends, they are awarded the C-Team Bead for that ceremony (Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, Brotherhood).

If you have any questions or interest in joining C-Team, contact Sam Skelton at ceremonieschair@tamegonit.org